Thursday, January 2, 2020

Mcdonalds Expands Of Vietnam Mcdonalds Essay - 1221 Words

Running head: MCDONALDS EXPANDS TO VIETNAM 1 MCDONALDS EXPANDS TO VIETNAM 6 McDonalds Expands to Vietnam Hieu Le Columbia Southern University Contents Expansion Planning 3 International Business Expansion 3 Regional Trade Agreement 4 Affordable Foreign Taxes 4 Financial and Technological Supports 4 Labor Hiring Methods 5 Advertising Strategies 5 Strategic Locations 5 Management Advisement 6 Conclusion 6 MCDONALDS EXPANDS TO VIETNAM Expansion Planning There are various essential reasons for McDonalds expands to Vietnam, include gain market shares in the global market, long-term growth in the South-East Asia, and increase the firm?s earnings in the future. Additionally, the business expansion is suitable to the traditional operation that McDonald has been adopted for more than 60 years. In fact, several responsibilities that the firm needs to complete for this expansion, which determine as the legal agreement between McDonalds and the Vietnamese government, the capital for the project, the process of building restaurants, hiring staff, and advertising campaigns. Board director, and executive officials should be involved in this project to discuss and provide valuable feedbacks to assure the business plan, financial commitment, and operation process will be completed by January 20th, 2017. 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